San Francisco Waldorf School—where students strive for more than just the right answer

Early Childhood

Like no other school,
we set the foundation for
the curiosity
and resiliency
necessary for success


Early Childhood



Our whole-child approach
creates joy in learning
and supports each
student through 
multisensory lessons

K - 5

Middle School

 Our students are engaged in deep learning and know how to collaborate to meet the demands of their future

Middle School

High School

Our college prep curriculum is creative, rigorous, and centered on human connection

High School


BEYOND convention

...where learning is more than test scores


We know success in a rapidly-changing world and an unknown future will require innovation, adaptability, and collaboration. These skills are where our students excel. The academic rigor of our program is only one part along this path of excellence.

BEYOND expectations

...where lifelong learning is an inspired habit


We foster attention, perseverance, and goal setting through hands-on experiences that make room for creativity and require follow through. Our well-rounded curriculum builds self-confidence and a drive that will serve students their whole lives—skills invaluable for all endeavors.

BEYOND the classroom

...where joy wins every time


We put people first because we understand that happiness is an underrated success metric. Our students love to come to school, and the relationships they build here last a lifetime. Why? Because person-to-person connections are at the forefront of how we teach and what makes our community shine.

BEYOND screens

...where our humanity is an art


In early childhood, we regard our screen-free classrooms and time outdoors as necessary to developing curiosity about the natural world and a connection with one another. Playtime engages learners and builds social-emotional skills while observation of the seasons strengthens a child’s awareness and capacity to problem solve creatively. This lays the foundation for academic success.


Languages spoken within our community


Students of color


Families in our Equitable Tuition Program


Students play on sports teams


Students engaged in science and art


Students on mobile phones at school

Waldorf News