Grade School
At our school, social-emotional learning is not a separate class but woven into everything we do. In this way, especially in the world today, our education takes a whole child approach towards not only academic learning but also health and well-being. Children are taught through experience to think creatively and to see things from multiple perspectives.
Our Class Teacher model, along with the Main Lesson Block Schedule, are the foundations that make Waldorf education unique. Class Teachers get to know each student through this time together and are able to then best support their strengths as well as the areas they may have more difficulty with. Main Lesson is the first two hours of the day, focused on a specific subject on a block schedule. In each Main Lesson, integrated use of storytelling, vocabulary, and writing exercises as well as art and hands-on learning help to meet all learning styles.
Explore Grades 1 -5
Grade 1
The journey begins! Children create their first writing and arithmetic books, and practice mental math and movement. There are folk and fairy tales, songs, poetry, and a class play production.
Language Arts
- Introduction to writing
- Handwriting: upper and lower case letters
- Storytelling and recall
- Recitation of poetry and verse
- Class play: group choral form
- Hindu-Arabic numerals from 1 to 100 (counting forwards and backwards, writing)
- Roman Numerals from I to XII
- Times tables: 2, 3, 5, 10
- Odd and even numbers
- Four mathematical processes: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division
- Stories of the seasons and the natural world
- Exploration of nature
- Gardening: tending a plot, growth cycles of plants, and gardening stories
Social Studies
- Fairy and folk tales from around the world
- Descriptions of different cultures and environments through oral storytelling
Form Drawing
- Straight and curved lines
- Standing forms
- Running forms
- Immersion through speech; presentation of vocabulary through stories
- Recitation of poetry, songs, and stories; accompanying movement and gestures
- Comprehension and speech practiced: size, color, number, how many, what is it, I have, and identifying commands
- Immersion through speech; presentation of vocabulary through stories
- Recitation of poetry, songs, and stories; accompanying movement and gestures
- Make knitting needles
- Cast-on, the knit stitch, decreasing, bind-off, and sewing
- Choral songs
- Melodies taught through imitation
- Instruments: pentatonic lyres, pentatonic flutes
- Movement for the vowels and consonants
- Exercises to build balance, agility, coordination, fine motor skills
Grade 2
Second graders are drawn to stories of the saints and legends of noble people with purpose. They identify with animal characters from Aesop’s Fables, Jataka Tales, and Native American and African Legends. They learn cursive writing and mathematics: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
Language Arts
- Introduction to the parts of speech
- Spelling and punctuation
- Simple compositions
- Stories, poetry, verse
- Class play: group choral form
- Cursive writing
- Continue and deepen practice with the four processes
- Algorithms of column addition and subtraction
- Place value: units, tens, hundreds
- Regrouping ("borrowing")
- Times tables
- Mental math
Social Studies
- Legends and animal fables from from around the world
- Descriptions of different cultures and environments through oral storytelling
- Nature stories on the seasons
- Experiential exploration of natural phenomena
- Gardening: tending a plot, growth cycle of plants, gardening stories
Form Drawing
- Vertical and horizontal symmetry
- Inward and outward spirals
- Immersion through listening and speaking
- Recitation of poetry, songs, and stories; accompanying movement and gestures
- Immersion through listening and speaking
- Recitation of poetry, songs, and stories; accompanying movement and gestures
- Language learning focus on themes of nature, seasons, holidays, families
- Drawing lays foundation for characters
- Purling, adding, and reducing stitches; correcting mistakes
- Knit a doll and accessories
- Choral songs
- Melodies taught through imitation
- Instruments: pentatonic lyres, pentatonic flutes
- Deepening of elements of pitch and rhythm
- Exercises to build balance, agility, coordination, fine motor skills
Physical Education ("Games")
- Themed games based on nature and historical games from around the world
- Parachute games, relay races, beginning ball games, handing and swinging apparatus, basic rock and rope climbing skills
- Spatial Dynamic exercises, jumping and vaulting, jump ropes and hula hoops, self-control games, beginning tumbling, balancing, rhythm activities
Grade 3
With an emerging sense of their place in the world, third graders grow vegetables, build shelters, and learn about time, measurements, and money. They work with their hands outside the classroom and explore the fundamentals of grammar and mathematics inside the classroom.
Language Arts
- Parts of speech; simple tenses of verbs
- Mastering reading to grade level
- Writing a variety of compositions
- Long division and multiplication
- Addition and subtraction; expanded use of place value
- Weights and measurements
- Monetary calculations
- Study of farming & agriculture
- Study of animal husbandry
- Study of local natural resources
Social Studies
- History and culture through Hebrew and indigenous peoples' stories
- Immediate geography & environment
- Study of shelters around the world
- Systems of money and time explored
- Verses, songs, and oral lessons strengthen comprehension and speaking
- Understanding of complex commands
- Use of complex vocabulary and complete sentences
- Introduction to the origin and evolution of Chinese characters using paintings and pictograms
- Introduce the concept of Chinese radicals as the foundation of other more complex Chinese characters
- Crochet: chain stitch, single and double stitches, and in the round
- Continued practice of hand sewing
- Introduction of the interval of the third and diatonic scale
- Musical notation introduced
- Exploration of instrument families and singing in parts
- C flute
- Movements for vowels and consonants practiced in conjunction with spatial forms
Physical Education ("Games")
- Historical games from around the world; tagging games; relay races; handball games; free and imitation movement activities; parachute games
- Spatial Dynamic exercise and Bothmer Gymnastics; circus arts activities; self-control games
Grade 4
Fourth graders study California geography and history. They are ready to take up an instrument and begin to play together as a class orchestra. The class explores the animal kingdom, works with fractions, and hears stories of heroes, tricksters, and epic tales from Norse Mythology.
- Parts of speech
- Spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, capitalization
- Beginning composition
- Stories, poetry, verse
- Class play: group choral form
- Cursive writing
- Fractions: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division; reduce and expand; improper fractions to mixed number fractions; emphasis on creating parts from a whole with experiential lessons
- Prime numbers and square number; exploration of factoring patterns
- Long multiplication and long division
- Times tables table practice, in and out of sequences
- Word or situation problem followed by practice problems
- Comparative zoology: exploration of physical forms of humans and the animal kingdom
- Observation of characteristics, writing, and artistic rendering of animals; archetypal animals explored: keen-eyed eagle, fiery lion, and powerful bull
Social Studies
- Local geography: mapping of the classroom, school, neighborhood, home, city, and state
- California history: Native American studies, Spanish explorers, the Gold Rush, and the ranchero period
- Geography and sciences are linked in the study of animals, plants, and minerals
- Reading, writing, and grammatical concepts are introduced in the transition from spoken word of earlier grades
- Verb conjugations and syntax introduced; vocabulary expands
- Oral language practice continues: simple questions and answers to complete sentences; individual recounting of a story
- Students develop simple sentences in short compositions; read and report on several topics
- Introduction of Zhuyin alphabet system
- Language focus on animals and local culture; use of animals as pictograms to introduce Chinese characters
- Development of skills in reading and writing Chinese characters
- Further emphasis in correct methods of writing Chinese characters through the use of “word squares” (to learn character structure) and “rainbow words” (to learn stroke order)
- Taiwan Aborigines culture and folklore
Form Drawing
- Mastery of braided and knotted forms
- Painting and drawing compositional work expands and reflects the curriculum
- Embroidery is introduced in handwork; stitches inspired by other parts of the world
- Continued lessons in sewing, including cross-stitch; practice in design symmetry
- Crafts of other culture explored, such as Native American pouches and basketry
- Work with alliterative poems with strong steps and gestures
- Musical phrasing and mood between major and minor is experienced; tone gestures are practiced
- Continued practice with geometry forms to develop spatial and social awareness within a group
- Exploration of gestures and the movement qualities of the animal kingdom (complements zoology)
Games and Gym
- Social and cooperative games; tagging games; relay races; ball games; throwing skills
- Basic rock and rope-climbing skills
- Spatial Dynamics and Bother Gymnastics
- Circus arts: jumping, vaulting, unicycle, jugging, balancing activities
- Themed games based on Norse Mythology and Native American culture
Grade 5
Fifth graders explore the physical characteristics of the earth and the plant life that grows on its surface. They practice fractions and decimals, ratios and proportions. They journey to the dawn of human civilization in India, Persia, Egypt, and Greece, exploring stories, art, music, and mythology.
Language Arts
- Grammar: Active and passive verbs, prepositional phrases, paragraph structure
- Class readers and book reports
- Research, writing, and oral presentations
- Class Play
- Review four basic mathematical with at least two-digit numbers
- Mastering of fractions, introduction to decimals, and relationships between the two
- Ratios and proportions
- Exploration of ancient mathematical systems
- Mental math practice
- Number patterns such as Sieve of Eratosthenes for finding primes, arithmetic vs. geometric progressions
- Plants observed over time and in relation to their natural environment
- Exploration of formative forces of the plant world: expanding, loosening, and extending in the flowers; contracting, consolidating, and absorbing in the root; balancing between intake of water and nutrient in the leaves and the elimination of gases and oils
- Monocotyledon and dicotyledon plants, algae, and mosses; investigate how climate and geography affect plant growth
Social Studies
- Geography
- Ancient civilization of India, Persia, Egypt, and Greece
- Reading fluidity and comprehension; written story summaries
- Poetry recitation
- Grammar and syntax: mastery of regular and some irregular verb conjugations in present text; sentence agreement
- Conversational practice: asking questions and describing situations
- Focus on reading more complex Chinese characters
- Introduction to basic grammar and simple grammatical structures
- Learn to use Chinese/English dictionary to look up unfamiliar words
- Introduction to Chinese calligraphy
- Development of Chinese culture through the Qin Dynasty, the unification of ancient China, currency and trade, Terra Cotta warriors, and the Great Wall of China
- Use rocks/minerals as the theme to introduce more Chinese radicals and characters
- Knit in the round using four double-point needles
- Knit a pair of socks and additional items such as mittens or hats; follow a pattern and learn new knitting techniques
- Practice with tools: saws, rasps, gouge and mallet, spoke shave, draw knife, drills, and carving knife, finishing techniques
- Creation of spoons, bowls, simple propellers, and small boxes
- Movement in geometric patterns complement math lessons
- Classical meters
- Three basic elements explored: rhythm, pitch, and beat
- Increasingly complex forms develop spatial and social awareness
- Exercises with copper rods introduced to support posture
Games and Gym
- Themed games based on Medieval and Ancient Roman times
- Ball games, wide field games, and races
- Vaulting, balancing, and tumbling skills
- Spatial Dynamic exercises and Bothmer Gymnastics
- Beginning self-defense and basic fitness training
- Global Games event training
Explore Middle School
Grade 6
Upper Grades (middle school) begins. Students take on independent research, sports teams, and focus on the study of one language: Mandarin or Spanish. They study laws of the universe in Astronomy, the structure and composition of the earth in Geology, the practical nature of Business Math, the history of the Roman Empire, and the rules of grammar.
Language Arts
- Grammatical practice, including the role of conditional sentences
- Independent readers, including historical fiction and biographies
- Class Play
- Curriculum projects on selected topic: research, report, artistic project, and presentation skills
- Abstract formulas introduced
- Business math: banking and investment, taxes, commissions
- Geometry: geometric drawings, terminology, relationship of circles, triangles, and polygons
- Pythagorean Theorem and applications
- Study of Plato, Aristotle, Thales, Pythagoras, Eratosthenes, and Archimedes
- Physics: acoustics, optics, thermodynamics, magnetism, and static electricity
- Astronomy: observation from a geocentric point of view, star, sun, and moon
- Geology: California's geologic diversity; types of rock formations with particular emphasis on igneous rocks; role of water cycles and erosion
Social Studies
- Geography: physical geography of the world
- The story of The Aeneid, Ancient Rome, Middle Ages in Europe and Asia
- Reading fluidity and comprehension; written story summaries
- Poetry recitation
- Grammar and syntax: mastery of regular and some irregular verb conjugations in present text; sentence agreement
- Conversational practice: asking questions and describing situation
- Focus on reading more complex Chinese characters
- Introduction to basic grammar and simple grammatical structures
- Learn to use Chinese/English dictionary to look up unfamiliar words
- Introduction to Chinese calligraphy
- Development of Chinese culture through the Qin Dynasty, the unification of ancient China, currency and trade, Terra Cotta warriors, and the Great Wall of China
- Use rocks/minerals as the theme to introduce more Chinese radicals and characters
- Music becomes rhythmically challenging and diverse
- Harmonious and noble music of Classical composers: Mozart, Haydn, Gluck
- Unmetered music of Gregorian chants
- Playing and singing in triple meter
- Creation of sewn stuffed animal: bear, big cat, or elephant.
- Begin with drawing and clay sculpture of form
- Precision in pattern making, fabric cutting, and hand sewing
- Practice with tools: saws, rasps, gouge and mallet, spoke shave, draw knife, drills, and carving knife; finishing techniques
- Creation of spoons, bowls, simple propellers, and small boxes
- Movement in geometric patterns complement math lessons
- Classical meters
- Three basic elements explored: rhythm, pitch, and beat
- Increasingly complex forms develop spatial and social awareness
- Exercises with copper rods introduced to support posture
Games and Gym
- Themed games based on Medieval and Ancient Roman times
- Ball games, wide field games, and races
- Vaulting, balancing, and tumbling skills
- Spatial Dynamic exercises and Bothmer Gymnastics
- Beginning self-defense and basic fitness training
- Global Games event training
Grade 7
With emerging capacities for abstract and conceptual thinking, seventh graders are introduced to algebra and plane geometry; the interrelationship of chemical properties; and physical laws of refraction, reflection, heat, and electricity. They study the Renaissance, Reformation, the Age of Exploration, anatomy and physiology, and health and nutrition.
Language Arts
- Grammatical foundations
- Creative writing; techniques for composition, reports, poetry
- Class Play
- Class readers, including historical fiction and biographies
- Curriculum projects on selected topic: research, report, artistic project, and presentation skills
- Algebra: order of operations; steps for solving simple equations
- Signed numbers and powers
- Four operations in relation to positive/negative numbers
- Golden Proportion and Fibonacci series
- Geometry: Centers of a triangle; the circle, pi, circumference, and area
- Physics: mechanics, electricity, and optics
- Astronomy: heliocentric astronomy, discoveries of major astronomers of the Renaissance
- Chemistry: combustion, acids and bases, the carbon cycle and the lime cycle
- Anatomy and Physiology: systems of the human body; health and nutrition; human sexuality and reproduction
Social Studies
- Geography: Cultural geography of the world
- History: Renaissance, Reformation, Age of Exploration
- Individuation in music, including strong and differentiated tones qualities and harmonies
- Class orchestra and opportunities for solo performance pieces
- Students select either Mandarin or Spanish for concentration of study
- Speaking: provide descriptions of people, places, likes and dislikes, food. Ten minute oral presentation about a reading or topic.
- Oral comprehensive: Understanding of topics and vocabulary.
- Reading: Independent reading of short stories. Comprehension through written responses.
- Writing: Summary or essay. Emphasis on accuracy and beauty of Spanish books, including the presentation of cultural and geographic topics.
- Grammar & Syntax: Conjugation of present test of most common irregular verbs; simple past teste (preterito). Comprehension of reflexive verbs.
- Student select either Mandarin or Spanish for concentration of study.
- Review both Zhuyin and Pinyin alphabet systems.
- Focus on reading more complex Chinese characters
- Practice more advanced grammar and grammatical structures.
- Use human anatomy as the theme to introduce more Chinese radicals and characters
- Conversation practice amongst students and teachers
- Creative writing exercises; writing whole paragraphs by combining different sentence structures
- Short story reading and comprehension
- Practice in use of Chinese / English dictionary to look up unfamiliar words
- Chinese culture through ancient Chinese Dynasties / History and Chinese poems
- Practice of Chinese calligraphy
- Wet-felted wool slippers: transformation of un-spun wool into custom fitted slippers with stitched-on leather soles. Use of carding machine.
- Make a Temari Ball; accurate geometric planning and stitching
- Creation of spoons, bowls, simple propellers, and small boxes
- Large group forms, which develop sense of self and bring awareness of the individual within the whole
- Wide variety of musical forms; gestures for each interval
- Practice with copper rod exercises and various geometric forms
Games and Gym
- Themed games from the Renaissance period and cultures around the world
- Relay races, cross country running, wide field games
- Archery, basic orienteering
- Parkour games and challenges
- Explorer Event training
Grade 8
Eighth graders study U.S. History, world events, and people who helped define our time. They discover the mechanical principles that led to the development of our technological society, study organic chemistry, and construct the five Platonic solids in geometry. They take on new responsibilities for class projects, performances, research, writing, and presentation.
Language Arts
- Strengthen understanding of grammatical foundations
- Development of techniques in various forms of written expression, including composition, reports, poetry, and letter writing
- Class Play
- Creative writing
- Biographies and other class readers
- Curriculum Project on topic of interest: research, written report, artistic project, and community presentation.
- Algebra I: linear equations graphed on a coordinate plan, algebraic expressions simplified, equations with two unknowns
- Reexamination of properties of numbers: commutative, associative, and distributive laws
- Geometry: study of the five platonic solids using the Pythagorean Theorem
- Volume and surface area of more complex shapes: cylinder, cone, pyramid, prism, and sphere.
- Physics: hydraulics, electromagnetism, and acoustics
- Meteorology: aerodynamics
- Chemistry: organic chemistry, focusing on processes by which substances are formed and transformed
- Anatomy and Physiology
Social Studies
- Economic geography of the world
- American, French, and Russian Revolutions
- Industrial Revolution to Modern History
- Report and oral presentation
- Conversational skills: descriptions or people, places, likes and dislikes
- Reading comprehension and ability to freely re-tell passages in present tense and beginning use of past tense
- Use of reflexive verbs, demonstrative and possessive adjectives, and present progressive
- Recitation of poetry
- Reading comprehension: short stories
- Written story summaries; create own stories
- Presentation of cultural topics
- Review both Zhuyin and Pinyin alphabet systems
- Focus on reading more complex Chinese characters
- Practice more advanced grammar and grammatical structures
- Use human anatomy as the theme to introduce more Chinese radicals and characters
- Conversation practice among students and teachers
- Creative writing exercises; writing whole paragraphs by combining different sentence structures
- Short story reading and comprehension
- Practice in use of Chinese/English dictionary to look up unfamiliar words
- Chinese culture through ancient Chinese Dynasties/History and Chinese poems
- Practice of Chinese calligraphy
- Singing in harmonies; playing and singing music in triple meter
- Class orchestra and opportunities for solo performance
- Learn to operate a sewing machine: straight and curved lines, the zig-zag stitch, and controlled reverse stitching
- Make a pair of pajama pants: follow a pattern and learn hemming, adding a pocket, creating an elastic waistband
- Learn fabric qualities and nomenclature including: straight of grain and bias
- Construction of a simple, four-legged stool
- Instruction from the High School Eurythmy Teacher
- Movement to poetry and exploration of spoken word with consonants, vowels, gestures, character, and mood
- Study of a musical piece: pitch, intervals, rhythm, and tones
Games and Gym
- Themed games from cultures around the modern and urban games
- Spatial Dynamics and Bothmer Gymnastics
- Parkour games and challenges, fitness training, track meet training
- Warm up exercises, skill development activities, and stretching
A look at Middle School
Meet our Chair
Jamie Lloyd
Grade School Chair
Find our Explore and Apply process on Ravenna.