High School

An SF Waldorf High School experience is like no other, providing a human-centered, hands-on study of math, science, engineering, and the arts while fostering a connection with environment through Outdoor Education trips. Students shine in a title-winning athletics program, clubs driven by interests, outstanding theater shows, musical performances, art galleries, and special guest lectures throughout the school year. 

Explore the curriculum

Beyond the textbook

  • Annual overnight trips for each class
  • Backpacking, kayaking, and river rafting adventures
  • Day trips for experiential  science study
art & Music
  • Art all 4 years
  • Music all 4 years
  • 2 Musical Concerts per year
  • 2 Theater Performances per year
Cultural Trips
  • Student Diversity Leadership Conference
  • Oregon Shakespeare Festival
  • Spanish Language & Cultural Immersion Trip to Guatemala 

Explore Senior Projects

Meet our Chair


Lenya Bloom
High School Chair

Find our Explore and Apply process on Ravenna.  


Main Lesson Books

Voices of our community

Dr. Carini demonstrates for a student, both in protective goggles.

"The process of teaching science in Waldorf schools is much closer to the process of doing research than to the way science had been taught to me in high school. When one faces new territory in science it is important to keep an open mind to what nature is trying to tell you. New concepts are created out of a process of observation of phenomena in order to discover and formulate the so-called physical laws."

"I created a brushless electric motor that also functioned as a generator. The motor used a Hall effect sensor to sense the position of the magnet and a transistor to apply currents to the electromagnets at the correct times."

Teacher Joshua Stoll talks to students during Main Lesson.

“I am fueled by the way teenagers become fascinated by ideas—and by the philosophical implications and real-world consequences of those ideas. Of course, they continue to be intrigued by great stories, but now they have the capacity to consider the broader contexts of those stories. These are the sorts of questions that have engaged me throughout my academic career, and I get a thrill out of helping my students grapple with them, often for the first time, in sophisticated ways."

Illustrated self-portrait by student Moonoka Begay

I was in a place of exploration / so open and undiscovered that / 
It made me feel limitless. 

Portrait of student Logan Flynn

“Nature has always been a big part of my life. The school has taught me everything from what we can do to save the planet to how to safely adventure in the great outdoors, and for that I am so grateful.”  

Student in South Korea during the Eurythmy Troupe trip.

“Sometimes I stop and I think and I wonder: How lucky am I to be able to travel, and not simply just travel, but be able to immerse myself in a culture, meet young people like me, and bring people the gift of eurythmy.” 

Portrait of student Sophie Harriman

"We read The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy. The class was small and we were able to study the book together really carefully, which was so meaningful to all of us.”

Two students walk together during the processional at high school graduation

“Teachers hear from graduating seniors about their education and their plans, as well as ways for making our school stronger. Our students are always incredibly articulate, honest, and thoughtful in the wisdom they share. The education inspires thinking, feeling, and independent young adults.”