Student Life

Join a club or an affinity group, volunteer your time, have fun. Meet friends, learn something new, make a difference in the world. Through clubs, affinity groups, and community service, our students connect and contribute. Most clubs and affinity groups meet on campus during the school day. These are student-initiated, so vary each year, and supported by a staff or faculty member. 


  • Beekeeping
  • Book Club
  • Chess Club
  • Environmental Club
  • Film Club
  • HS Democrats
  • Literary Magazine
  • Math Club
  • Model UN
  • Outdoor Club
  • Social Justice
  • Yearbook


  • Asian American-Pacific Islander Affinity Group
  • Association of Latinx and Ally Students
  • Black Student Union
  • Gender Sexuality Alliance
  • Jewish Affinity Group
  • Middle Eastern Affinity Group
  • Neurodiversity Affinity Group


Students in action

The Addams Family at the Bushnell Center

Each year, students can take part in a musical or play, a not-to-be-missed event for the entire community. 

Beekeeping on Campus
Students and faculty in protective gear, tend the hives on the north side of school.

Students and faculty tend the hives on the north side of school.

Walk-a-Thon in Golden Gate Park
A group of students take a break during their Walk-a-Thon in Golden Gate Park.

Annual event to support Inkanyezi Waldorf School, South Africa.  

Model United Nations
A group of students in the Model UN club stand in front of the UC Berkeley seal.

Our student leaders at the annual conference. 

March for the Planet
%22She Matters%22 sign is held by a student during an march in San Francisco.

Thousands of Bay Area students marched for action on climate change. Student Eli Mikiten combined a talent for photography with an interest in activism. 

Gathering in Sacramento
Students gather at the capitol under a tent with club sign: Bay Area Student Activists

With fellow Bay Area students for a day of action at the State Capitol. 

Community-Building & Engagement Program

Participation in volunteer days is required of all students and part of their final transcript. Classes volunteer together then students connect with local organizations and farms with long-standing relationships to the school:

  • Refuse Refuse SF
  • SF-Marin Food Bank
  • Tenderloin Pop-Up Pantry
  • Bayview Food Pantry
  • St. Anthony's Foundation
  • Live Power Farm
  • Three Springs Biodynamic Farm
  • Park Restoration & Beautification
  • Golden Gate National Parks Beach Clean-up



Park restoration underway

Cleaning up the Mission